巡检人:小麦苗 QQ:646634621 微信公众号:DB宝 提供OCP、OCM、高可用(rac+dg)、PostgreSQL和MySQL培训 BLOG地址: https://www.dbaup.com 若需要购买脚本可私聊我

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巡 检 人:小麦苗([QQ:646634621] [微信公众号:DB宝] [提供OCP、OCM、高可用、MySQL和KingBase最实用的培训])
版 本 号:v7.0.0
修改日期:2022-03-25 18:28:00


总体概况 实例信息数据库实例信息 数据库基本信息数据库的总体概况、版本、主机情况、数据库负载情况、数据库属性等 所有表空间所有表空间 当前客户端连接信息当前客户端连接信息 前几张大表前几张大表
锁情况 所有进程
SQL部分 TOP 5 SQL : 语句合计执行时间 TOP 5 SQL : 语句合计使用缓存量 TOP 5 SQL : 语句合计使用磁盘量 TOP 5 SQL : 语句完整文本
高可用情况 主从流复制情况主从流复制情况 逻辑复制PG逻辑复制情况
数据库性能 参数配置 sys_hba参数文件 后台写进程统计信息 表年龄 WAL日志切换频率
其它 用户和角色 所有插件 获取已安装的KingBase的信息获取已安装的KingBase的信息,表sys_config 所有job


● 实例信息
sys_start_time server_ip server_port client_ip client_port server_version primary_or_standby now_date 可用天数
2022-03-29 16:01:22.972812+08 54321 24195 KingbaseES V008R006C005B0041 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46), 64-bit primary 2022-03-29 16:01:33.879082+08 86

● 数据库基本信息
Name Owner Encoding Collate Ctype Access privileges Size Tablespace Description 年龄 剩余年龄
lhrdb kingbase UTF8 en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8   168 MB sys_default   524 2147483124
security kingbase UTF8 en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8   12 MB sys_default   524 2147483124
template0 kingbase UTF8 en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 =c/kingbase
12 MB sys_default   524 2147483124
template1 kingbase UTF8 en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 =c/kingbase
12 MB sys_default   524 2147483124
test kingbase UTF8 en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8   169 MB sys_default   524 2147483124

● 所有表空间
oid Name Owner Location Access privileges Options Size Description
1663 sys_default kingbase       372 MB  
1664 sys_global kingbase       657 kB  
1986 sysaudit kingbase       28 kB  

● 当前客户端连接信息
current_user current_database sys_backend_pid
kingbase test 343

● 前几张大表
db schemaname relname rowcount table_size indexes_size total_size
test public sbtest6 100000 22 MB 4448 kB 26 MB
test public sbtest1 100000 22 MB 4448 kB 26 MB
test public sbtest2 100000 22 MB 4448 kB 26 MB
test public sbtest3 100000 22 MB 4448 kB 26 MB
test public sbtest4 100000 22 MB 4448 kB 26 MB
test public sbtest5 100000 22 MB 4448 kB 26 MB
test sys dual 1 40 kB 0 bytes 40 kB
test sysmac sysmac_policy_enforcement 0 0 bytes 8192 bytes 8192 bytes
test sysmac sysmac_user 0 0 bytes 8192 bytes 8192 bytes
test sysmac sysmac_label 0 0 bytes 8192 bytes 8192 bytes
test sysmac sysmac_compartment 0 0 bytes 16 kB 16 kB
test sysmac sysmac_level 0 0 bytes 16 kB 16 kB
test sysmac sysmac_obj 0 0 bytes 8192 bytes 8192 bytes
test sysmac sysmac_policy 0 0 bytes 16 kB 16 kB

● TOP 10 对象使用情况
数据库 大小 全表扫描 索引扫描 dml行数 有效行数 废弃行数

● 用户对象占用空间的柱状图
数据库 编号 对象数量 对象最小值 对象最大值
test 1 443 0 bytes 2216 kB
test 2 6 2232 kB 2232 kB
test 11 6 22 MB 22 MB

● 当前库的所有数据库对象
schemaname objecttype cnt
public INDEX 12
public SEQUENCE 6
public TABLE 6
sysmac INDEX 10
sysmac TABLE 7
public VIEW 1
sys_catalog VIEW 137
sysaudit VIEW 2
sysmac SEQUENCE 1
sys VIEW 86
sys TABLE 1
sysmac VIEW 3
sys agg 3
sys_catalog func 356
public func 3
sys func 276

● 索引数超过4并且SIZE大于100MB的表
数据库 表名 尺寸 索引数

● 上次巡检以来未使用或使用较少的索引
数据库 索引 扫描次数 索引行 数据行 尺寸
test public.sbtest6 k_6 0 0 0 2232 kB
test public.sbtest1 k_1 0 0 0 2232 kB
test public.sbtest2 k_2 0 0 0 2232 kB
test public.sbtest3 k_3 0 0 0 2232 kB
test public.sbtest4 k_4 0 0 0 2232 kB
test public.sbtest5 k_5 0 0 0 2232 kB



● 所有进程

● 总计
最大连接数 当前连接数 剩余连接数
100 7 93

● 详情
datid datname pid usesysid usename application_name client_addr client_hostname client_port backend_start xact_start query_start state_change wait_event_type wait_event state backend_xid backend_xmin query backend_type
    328             2022-03-29 16:01:23.410132+08       Activity AutoVacuumMain         autovacuum launcher
    331 10 kingbase sys_ksh collector       2022-03-29 16:01:23.411476+08     2022-03-29 16:01:35.003086+08 Extension Extension idle       ksh collector
    333 10 kingbase         2022-03-29 16:01:23.412476+08       Activity LogicalLauncherMain         logical replication launcher
15130 test 343 10 kingbase kingbase_*&+_   24195 2022-03-29 16:01:33.000260+08 2022-03-29 16:01:35.192245+08 2022-03-29 16:01:35.192245+08 2022-03-29 16:01:35.192247+08     active   1390 select a.* from sys_stat_activity a ; client backend
    326             2022-03-29 16:01:23.408216+08       Activity BgWriterMain         background writer
    325             2022-03-29 16:01:23.407770+08       Activity CheckpointerMain         checkpointer
    327             2022-03-29 16:01:23.408696+08       Activity WalWriterMain         walwriter

● 锁
locktype database relation page tuple virtualxid transactionid classid objid objsubid virtualtransaction pid mode granted fastpath
relation 15130 12166               4/18 343 AccessShareLock t t
relation 15130 14164               4/18 343 AccessShareLock t t
virtualxid         4/18         4/18 343 ExclusiveLock t t

● state_change字段长时间没有更新过的连接信息
datid datname pid usesysid usename application_name client_addr client_hostname client_port backend_start xact_start query_start state_change wait_event_type wait_event state backend_xid backend_xmin query backend_type
    331 10 kingbase sys_ksh collector       2022-03-29 16:01:23.411476+08     2022-03-29 16:01:35.003086+08 Extension Extension idle       ksh collector

● 数据库连接数统计
限制数 活动数 空闲数 保留数 可用数
100 1 6 3 90

● 总剩余连接数
最大连接数 当前连接数 保留连接数 可用连接数
100 7 3 90



● TOP 5 SQL : 语句合计执行时间
数据库 用户 语句id 次数 总时长 占比% 语句

● TOP 5 SQL : 语句单次执行时间
数据库 用户 语句id 次数 单次时长 占比% 语句

● TOP 5 SQL : 语句合计使用缓存量
数据库 用户 语句id 次数 总块数 占比% 语句

● TOP 5 SQL : 语句单次使用缓存量
数据库 用户 语句id 次数 单次块数 占比% 语句

● TOP 5 SQL : 语句合计使用磁盘量
数据库 用户 语句id 次数 总块数 占比% 语句

● TOP 5 SQL : 语句单次使用磁盘量
数据库 用户 语句id 次数 单次块数 占比% 语句

● TOP 5 SQL : 语句完整文本
数据库 用户 语句id 语句



● 主从流复制情况

● 主库查看wal日志发送状态
pid usesysid usename application_name client_addr client_hostname client_port backend_start backend_xmin state sent_lsn write_lsn flush_lsn replay_lsn write_lag flush_lag replay_lag sync_priority sync_state reply_time

● 从库查看wal日志接收状态
pid status receive_start_lsn receive_start_tli received_lsn received_tli last_msg_send_time last_msg_receipt_time latest_end_lsn latest_end_time slot_name sender_host sender_port conninfo

● 主从库延迟数据(单位MB)

● 主从流复制冲突统计
datid datname confl_tablespace confl_lock confl_snapshot confl_bufferpin confl_deadlock
15130 test 0 0 0 0 0
15131 security 0 0 0 0 0
1 template1 0 0 0 0 0
15129 template0 0 0 0 0 0
16396 lhrdb 0 0 0 0 0


● 逻辑复制

● 查看发布
oid pubname pubowner puballtables pubinsert pubupdate pubdelete pubtruncate

● 查看发布的表
pubname schemaname tablename

● 查看所有的订阅者
pid usesysid usename application_name client_addr client_hostname client_port backend_start backend_xmin state sent_lsn write_lsn flush_lsn replay_lsn write_lag flush_lag replay_lag sync_priority sync_state reply_time

● 复制进度
subid subname pid relid received_lsn last_msg_send_time last_msg_receipt_time latest_end_lsn latest_end_time

● 查看订阅
oid subdbid subname subowner subenabled subconninfo subslotname subsynccommit subpublications

● 查看订阅的表
srsubid srrelid srsubstate srsublsn srrelid

● 查看复制槽
slot_name plugin slot_type datoid database temporary active active_pid xmin catalog_xmin restart_lsn confirmed_flush_lsn



● 相关参数

● 参数文件记录的参数
sourcefile sourceline seqno name setting applied error
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 59 1 listen_addresses * t  
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 64 2 max_connections 100 t  
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 91 3 password_encryption scram-sha-256 t  
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 121 4 shared_buffers 128MB t  
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 140 5 dynamic_shared_memory_type posix t  
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 224 6 max_wal_size 1GB t  
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 225 7 min_wal_size 80MB t  
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 426 8 logging_collector on t  
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 432 9 log_directory sys_log t  
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 540 10 log_timezone PRC t  
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 652 11 datestyle iso, mdy t  
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 654 12 timezone PRC t  
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 668 13 lc_messages en_US.UTF-8 t  
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 670 14 lc_monetary en_US.UTF-8 t  
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 671 15 lc_numeric en_US.UTF-8 t  
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 672 16 lc_time en_US.UTF-8 t  
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 765 17 shared_preload_libraries liboracle_parser, synonym, plsql, force_view, kdb_flashback,plugin_debugger, plsql_plugin_debugger, plsql_plprofiler, ora_commands,kdb_ora_expr, sepapower, dblink, sys_kwr, sys_ksh, sys_spacequota, sys_stat_statements, backtrace, kdb_utils_function, auto_bmr, sys_squeeze t  
/opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 766 18 ora_input_emptystr_isnull on t  
● 重要参数
name setting unit category short_desc extra_desc context vartype source min_val max_val enumvals boot_val reset_val sourcefile sourceline pending_restart
archive_mode off   Write-Ahead Log / Archiving Allows archiving of WAL files using archive_command.   kingbase enum default     {always,on,off} off off     f
autovacuum on   Autovacuum Starts the autovacuum subprocess.   sighup bool default       on on     f
client_encoding UTF8   Client Connection Defaults / Locale and Formatting Sets the client's character set encoding.   user string default       SQL_ASCII UTF8     f
config_file /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf   File Locations Sets the server's main configuration file.   kingbase string override         /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf     f
database_mode oracle   Preset Options Set database mode   internal enum override     {pg,oracle,mysql,0,1,2} pg oracle     f
data_directory /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data   File Locations Sets the server's data directory.   kingbase string override         /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data     f
hba_file /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/sys_hba.conf   File Locations Sets the server's "hba" configuration file.   kingbase string override         /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/sys_hba.conf     f
ident_file /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/sys_ident.conf   File Locations Sets the server's "ident" configuration file.   kingbase string override         /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/sys_ident.conf     f
listen_addresses *   Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings Sets the host name or IP address(es) to listen to.   kingbase string configuration file       localhost * /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 59 f
log_directory sys_log   Reporting and Logging / Where to Log Sets the destination directory for log files. Can be specified as relative to the data directory or as absolute path. sighup string configuration file       sys_log sys_log /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 432 f
log_filename kingbase-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log   Reporting and Logging / Where to Log Sets the file name pattern for log files.   sighup string default       kingbase-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log kingbase-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log     f
logging_collector on   Reporting and Logging / Where to Log Start a subprocess to capture stderr output and/or csvlogs into log files.   kingbase bool configuration file       off on /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 426 f
log_min_duration_statement -1 ms Reporting and Logging / When to Log Sets the minimum execution time above which statements will be logged. Zero prints all queries. -1 turns this feature off. superuser integer default -1 2147483647   -1 -1     f
log_statement none   Reporting and Logging / What to Log Sets the type of statements logged.   superuser enum default     {none,ddl,mod,all} none none     f
log_truncate_on_rotation off   Reporting and Logging / Where to Log Truncate existing log files of same name during log rotation.   sighup bool default       off off     f
max_connections 100   Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections.   kingbase integer configuration file 1 262143   100 100 /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/data/kingbase.conf 64 f
port 54321   Connections and Authentication / Connection Settings Sets the TCP port the server listens on.   kingbase integer default 1 65535   54321 54321     f

● sys_hba.conf配置文件信息
line_number type database user_name address netmask auth_method options error
84 local {all} {all}     trust    
86 host {all} {all} scram-sha-256    
87 host {all} {all} scram-sha-256    
89 host {all} {all} ::1 ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff scram-sha-256    
90 host {all} {all} :: :: scram-sha-256    
93 local {replication} {all}     trust    
94 host {replication} {all} scram-sha-256    
95 host {replication} {all} ::1 ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff scram-sha-256    

● 后台写进程统计信息
checkpoints_timed checkpoints_req checkpoint_write_time checkpoint_sync_time buffers_checkpoint buffers_clean maxwritten_clean buffers_backend buffers_backend_fsync buffers_alloc stats_reset
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 733 2022-03-29 16:01:23.411341+08

● WAL日志切换频率(需要手动修改路径)
day_id wal_num_all wal_num_00_01 wal_num_01_02 wal_num_02_03 wal_num_03_04 wal_num_04_05 wal_num_05_06 wal_num_06_07 wal_num_07_08 wal_num_08_09 wal_num_09_10 wal_num_10_11 wal_num_11_12 wal_num_12_13 wal_num_13_14 wal_num_14_15 wal_num_15_16 wal_num_16_17 wal_num_17_18 wal_num_18_19 wal_num_19_20 wal_num_20_21 wal_num_21_22 wal_num_22_23 wal_num_23_24
20220329 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20220325 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0

● 归档统计信息
当前wal 归档数量 最后wal 归档时间 失败次数 失败wal 失败时间 重置时间
0/19FDB570 0     0     2022-03-29 16:01:23.411341+08

● 查看表膨胀信息
table_name table_size n_dead_tup n_live_tup dead_tup_ratio

● 数据库统计信息, 回滚比例, 命中比例, 数据块读写时间, 死锁, 复制冲突
数据库 回滚率% 命中率% 读磁盘用时秒 写磁盘用时秒 复制冲突 死锁
test 0.00 97.99 0 0 0 0
security 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0
lhrdb 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0

● 检查点, bgwriter 统计信息
定时执行次数 被动执行次数 缓存写磁盘秒 脏数据同步秒 检查点写入脏块 后台写入块数 后台超时次数 检查点写入块数 后台同步次数 缓存分配数量 信息重置时点
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 733 2022-03-29 16:01:23.411341+08

● 表年龄
数据库 用户 类型 年龄 剩余年龄
test kingbase pg_catalog.pg_authid 524 2147483124
test kingbase pg_catalog.pg_type 524 2147483124
test kingbase pg_catalog.pg_statistic 524 2147483124
test kingbase pg_catalog.pg_ts_template 524 2147483124
test kingbase pg_catalog.pg_statistic_ext_data 524 2147483124

● 长事务, 2PC: 活动进程
数据库 用户 sql语句 事务开始 事务持续 查询开始 查询持续 状态

● 长事务, 2PC: 预备语句
sql标识 语句文本 创建时间 持续时间 参数类型 sql创建



● 当前库的所有schema
catalog_name schema_name schema_owner default_character_set_catalog default_character_set_schema default_character_set_name sql_path
test pg_toast kingbase        
test pg_temp_1 kingbase        
test pg_toast_temp_1 kingbase        
test pg_catalog kingbase        
test public kingbase        
test information_schema kingbase        
test sys_workload kingbase        
test sysaudit kingbase        
test sysmac kingbase        
test sys kingbase        
test sys_catalog kingbase        
test dbms_sql kingbase        
test xlog_record_read kingbase        

● 当前库的所有角色(用户)
rolname rolsuper rolinherit rolcreaterole rolcreatedb rolcanlogin rolreplication rolconnlimit rolpassword rolvaliduntil rolbypassrls rolconfig oid
pg_signal_backend f t f f f f -1 ********   f   4200
pg_read_server_files f t f f f f -1 ********   f   4569
kingbase t t t t t t -1 ********   t   10
pg_write_server_files f t f f f f -1 ********   f   4570
pg_execute_server_program f t f f f f -1 ********   f   4571
pg_read_all_stats f t f f f f -1 ********   f   3375
pg_monitor f t f f f f -1 ********   f   3373
sso f f f f t f -1 ********   f   8
system f t f f t f -1 ********   f   16384
pg_read_all_settings f t f f f f -1 ********   f   3374
pg_stat_scan_tables f t f f f f -1 ********   f   3377
sao f f f f t f -1 ********   f   9

usename usesysid usecreatedb usesuper userepl usebypassrls passwd valuntil useconfig
sao 9 f f f f ********    
sso 8 f f f f ********    
kingbase 10 t t t t ********    
system 16384 f f f f ********    

● 所有语言
oid lanname lanowner lanispl lanpltrusted lanplcallfoid laninline lanvalidator lanacl
12 internal 10 f f 0 0 2246  
13 c 10 f f 0 0 2247  
14 sql 10 f t 0 0 2248  
8039 plsql 10 t t 8007 8008 8009  
12721 plpgsql 10 t t 12718 12719 12720  

● 所有可用插件

● 所有插件(已编译)
name default_version installed_version comment
kdb_raw 1.0   support RAW data and functions in KDB
kdb_resource_group 1.0   Support for kdb resource group
backup_pri 1.0   Kingbase backup_pri at pg_basebackup
refint 1.0   functions for implementing referential integrity (obsolete)
decoderbufs 0.1.0   Logical decoding plugin that delivers WAL stream changes using a Protocol Buffer format
sys_ksh 1.0   ksh report based on statistics of wait events
xml2 1.1   XPath querying and XSLT
sys_jieba 1.0   a parser for full-text search of Chinese
memstat 1.0   Memory stats
ftutilx 1.0   fulltext utilities function
kingbase_fdw 1.0   foreign-data wrapper for remote Kingbase servers
plpgsql 1.0 1.0 PL/pgSQL procedural language
cube 1.4   data type for multidimensional cubes
intarray 1.2   functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers
kingbase_version 1.0 1.0 This is a utility that provides function related to version number, it is used to get the Kingbase version number.
roledisable 1.0   Kingbase role disable Check
hstore 1.6   data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
uuid-ossp 1.1   generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
sslinfo 1.2   information about SSL certificates
dict_int 1.0   text search dictionary template for integers
kdb_utils_function 1.2   Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS
rum 1.3   RUM index access method
kdb_license 1.0 1.0 kdb_license extension
btree_gist 1.5   support for indexing common datatypes in GiST
bloom 1.0   bloom access method - signature file based index
sys_qualstats 1.0.9   An extension collecting statistics about quals
kdb_exists_expand 1.0   expand exists sublink
cstore_fdw 1.7   foreign-data wrapper for flat cstore access
sysmac 1.0 1.0 Mac for Kingbase
plsql_plprofiler 4.1   server-side support for profiling PL/SQL functions
tds_fdw 2.0.2   Foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server)
sys_bulkload 2.0   sys_bulkload is a high speed data loading utility for KingbaseES
sys_workload_profile 1.0 1.0 workload profiler
sys_hint_plan 1.3.5    
dict_xsyn 1.0   text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing
kdb_date_function 1.1   Functions of date that emulate a subset of functions from the mysql
lo 1.1   Large Object maintenance
plsql 1.0 1.0 PL/SQL procedural language
btree_gin 1.3   support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
dbms_ddl 1.0 1.0 DBMS_DDL system package
sys_kwr 1.2   KingbaseES auto workload repository and report builder
moddatetime 1.0   functions for tracking last modification time
kdb_cast 1.0 1.0 kdb_cast extension
address_standardizer_data_us 3.1.2   Address Standardizer US dataset example
fix_security_hole 1.0   close Copy_To/From_Program function
unaccent 1.1   text search dictionary that removes accents
sys_buffercache 1.3   examine the shared buffer cache
sysaudit 1.0 1.0 provides auditing functionality
sysprivilege 1.0   System Privilege for Kingbase
citext 1.6   data type for case-insensitive character strings
sysencrypt 1.0   TDE for Kingbase
dbms_metadata 1.0   DBMS_METADATA system package
tcn 1.0   Triggered change notifications
adminpack 2.0   administrative functions for Kingbase
owa_util 1.0 1.0 owa_util system package
postgis_raster 3.1.2   PostGIS raster types and functions
sys_visibility 1.2   examine the visibility map (VM) and page-level visibility info
tablefunc 1.0   functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
sys_audlog 1.0   Kingbase user login Check
amcheck 1.2   functions for verifying relation integrity
ftutils 1.0   fulltext utilities function
sys_countbuckets 1.0   fast counting
dbms_utility 1.0 1.0 dbms_utility extension package
ltree 1.1   data type for hierarchical tree-like structures
tsm_system_rows 1.0   TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit
kbcrypto 1.3   cryptographic functions
kdb_orafce 3.9   Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS
sys_squeeze 1.4   A tool to remove unused space from a relation.
sys_prewarm 1.2   prewarm relation data
backtrace 1.0   print backtrace info to log when core dump
dbms_session 1.0   dbms_session - support oracle DBMS_SESSION
isn 1.2   data types for international product numbering standards
sys_hypo 1.1.2   Hypothetical advisor for PostgreSQL
walminer 3.0   analyse wal to SQL
autoinc 1.0   functions for autoincrementing fields
passwordhistory 1.0   check passwordhistory
kdb_oracle_datatype 1.1 1.1 kdb_oracle_datatype extension
dblink 1.2   connect to other KingbaseES databases from within a database
fuzzystrmatch 1.1   determine similarities and distance between strings
postgis_sfcgal 3.1.2   PostGIS SFCGAL functions
identity_pwdexp 1.0   extension for identity password expired
sysreuse_residual_data 1.0   to be zero in the unused space of a page ,file or mem
utl_file 1.0   read and write operating system text file
postgis 3.1.2   PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions
http 1.4   HTTP client for KingbaseES, allows web page retrieval inside the database.
kbstattuple 1.5   show tuple-level statistics
kdb_oracle_datatype_nls 1.1   kdb_oracle_datatype_nls extension
sys_stat_statements 1.9 1.9 track parsing, planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
repmgr 5.0   Replication manager for Kingbase
tsm_system_time 1.0   TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit
file_fdw 1.0   foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
sys_trgm 1.4   text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
pldbgapi 1.1   server-side support for debugging PL/pgSQL functions
plsql_pldbgapi 1.1   server-side support for debugging PL/SQL functions
dbms_lob 1.0   dbms_lob package
postgis_topology 3.1.2   PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
zhparser 1.0   a parser for full-text search of Chinese
kbrowlocks 1.2   show row-level locking information
kdb_flashback 1.0   kdb_flashback extension
dbms_obfuscation_toolkit 1.0   dbms_obfuscation_toolkit system package
earthdistance 1.1   calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth
address_standardizer 3.1.2   Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step.
intagg 1.1   integer aggregator and enumerator (obsolete)
sys_spacequota 1.0   sys_spacequota relation data
dbms_output 1.0 1.0 DBMS_OUTPUT system package
pageinspect 1.7   inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
sys_freespacemap 1.2 1.2 examine the free space map (FSM)
dbms_mview 1.0   refresh materialized view
ktrack 2.2   block-level incremental backup engine
kdb_database_link 1.0   connect to other databases with a database link object
restricted_dba 1.0   restricted_dba
seg 1.3   data type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals
postgis_tiger_geocoder 3.1.2   PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder
kdb_tinyint 1.0 1.0 Create a new data type tinyint and its functions operators and indexes
dbms_random 1.0   Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle dbms_random
pg_partman 4.4.0   Extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID
insert_username 1.0   functions for tracking who changed a table
force_view 1.0   this is kingbase force view
auto_bmr 1.0   functions for automaticlly repairing bad media block
xlog_record_read 1.0 1.0 xlog_record_read functions
passwordcheck 1.0   Kingbase user password Check
kdb_schedule 1.0   A KingbaseES job scheduler
sso_update_user 1.0   sso update user

● 已安装的插件
Name Version Schema Description
dbms_ddl 1.0 sys  
dbms_output 1.0 sys  
dbms_utility 1.0 sys  
kdb_cast 1.0 sys  
kdb_license 1.0 pg_catalog  
kdb_oracle_datatype 1.1 sys  
kdb_tinyint 1.0 pg_catalog  
kingbase_version 1.0 pg_catalog  
owa_util 1.0 sys  
plpgsql 1.0 pg_catalog  
plsql 1.0 pg_catalog  
sys_freespacemap 1.2 sys  
sys_stat_statements 1.9 public  
sys_workload_profile 1.0 sys_workload  
sysaudit 1.0 sysaudit  
sysmac 1.0 sysmac  
xlog_record_read 1.0 pg_catalog  

● 获取已安装的KingBase的信息
name setting
BINDIR /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/KESRealPro/V008R006C005B0041/Server/bin
DOCDIR /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/KESRealPro/V008R006C005B0041/Server/share/doc
HTMLDIR /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/KESRealPro/V008R006C005B0041/Server/share/doc
INCLUDEDIR /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/KESRealPro/V008R006C005B0041/Server/include
PKGINCLUDEDIR /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/KESRealPro/V008R006C005B0041/Server/include
INCLUDEDIR-SERVER /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/KESRealPro/V008R006C005B0041/Server/include/server
LIBDIR /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/KESRealPro/V008R006C005B0041/Server/lib
PKGLIBDIR /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/KESRealPro/V008R006C005B0041/Server/lib
LOCALEDIR /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/KESRealPro/V008R006C005B0041/Server/share/locale
MANDIR /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/KESRealPro/V008R006C005B0041/Server/share/man
SHAREDIR /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/KESRealPro/V008R006C005B0041/Server/share
SYSCONFDIR /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/KESRealPro/V008R006C005B0041/Server/etc
PGXS /opt/Kingbase/ES/V8/KESRealPro/V008R006C005B0041/Server/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/pgxs.mk
CONFIGURE '--prefix=/home/es-build/V8r5-test/postgresql_master2/release' '--with-zlib' '--enable-nls' '--enable-integer-datetimes' '--with-openssl' '--with-libxml' '--with-uuid=e2fs' '--with-license-name=SALES' '--with-commercial-version=V8.0' '--with-icu' '--enable-debug'
CC gcc -std=gnu99
CPPFLAGS -I/usr/local/include -D_GNU_SOURCE
CFLAGS -Werror -DKingbaseES -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wendif-labels -Wmissing-format-attribute -Wformat-security -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -g -O2
LDFLAGS -Wl,-rpath,'/home/es-build/V8r5-test/postgresql_master2/release/lib',--enable-new-dtags
LIBS -lpgcommon -lpgport -lssl -lcrypto -lz -lreadline -ltermcap -lrt -lcrypt -ldl -lm
VERSION KingbaseES 12.1

● 所有job
jobid jobjclid jobsjid jobjaid jobname jobdesc jobagentid jobenabled jobcreated jobchanged jobnextrun joblastrun jobrepeattimes jobdbname
